Smitty's Rant

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Yah, I know, a bit behind again. I can't sleep so I logged in.

Rode the bike to MaSoD tonight. It was neat actually riding the bike to go to a regular thing. Yesterday I took the bike over to show a friend. Then over to Tillman's but he wasn't home. Out to Emerald Park to show someone else... Not sure if it was so much showing people, rather I just wanted to ride so I kept coming up with places to go and people to see. I have a total of 146.9 kms on it now. My travels that is. The bike itself has over 56000 on it. It's been fun to ride.

Spam continues to nag at me and I need to finish implementing my next tool to mitigate it. Too many projects on the go right now. Spamassassin, sguil, AIX, OpenVPN. Just too many things on the go. Next I have started creating a xen box. It's host os is going to be NetBSD and then I am going to see what I can run under it. This should be interesting. I'll keep you posted. Hmm, It's nearly 3am here now. I best try and get back to sleep now.

Night folks!


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