Smitty's Rant

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ok, something has been bothering me lately. Something that I am sure that others have thought about and have answers for. Here it is.

There are a lot of countries now who are involved or starting to be involved with the space race. Europe (yes, I know that is a group of countries, I sit corrected), England, Japan and China to just name a few. This of course is on top of the few who were involved in it during the beginnings of the race. So, this is what has been bothering me. All these countries have put a lot of money towards this race or have pledged to spend a lot of money. Everyone spending tons of cash duplicating efforts and making redundant promises to all accomplish the same goal. Lately it has been the goal of heading back to the Moon and establishing a permanent base of operations there. So, how much is this going to cost everyone. I have read a recent article that indicates that Japan is withdrawing plans for the moon at this time. The reason I believe was that it was starting to cost too much. China is still in the race and doing lots behind their walls of communism. To what end? How much money are we spending on repeating efforts and mistakes that could be spent towards feeding the hungry. What about other worth while causes. Protecting the forests of the Panda's? I don't just want to pick on the Chinese though. What about unemployment in England or the US? (Or anywhere really...) What about research for a cure forCancer? It just seems to me that we as earthlings are failing at being earthlings. We get too caught up in looking out for Canadians, Iraqi's, Sunni's, Chinese, South Africans. We forget that we all belong on this planet. We forget that we all belong to the global community. We forget that all of us are guilty of misusing the resources given to us in this planet. And now we are desperately trying to get that mentality to the Moon before anyone else gets there. What, is the Moon suddenly going to become the sole property of India? What about all the resources that are available there? Why aren't we looking to combine efforts to do the job right, on the first try (well, OK, second try). We are getting too caught up with bettering OURselves and showing how much WE are better than everyone else that we are failing to see the big picture. Thinking like this I believe keeps us back. Keeps us from truly moving forward. All the efforts to move forward will continue to be in slow motion until we get over this "My country is better than your country" mentality.

Please understand that I don't have all the answers. I don't know how we are going to accomplish this. I just see some major issues as we all keep trying to do things "our" way. When we all get a grip and realize that we are all living on the same planet and everything we do affects everyone else on the planet. (just think about global warming...) We aren't going to be able to accomplish everything that we are capable of.

Just my thoughts for the night...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Well, it has been a while now hasn't it? A new year has started. What to do, what to do. Well, first thing, apparently I can't get enough of computers and technology. Go figure eh? Always checking my mail (when I actually have internet access that is), playing games and just generally abusing the little amount of concious time that I have. Lot's of things haven't changed. This statement is true. At the same time though, lots has changed. New year, new person, new outlook on life. We all get to the point where we can't stay just where we are. We have to grow and become something else. Something better. And even at times, we have to grow up.

Just something to think about. We all have to grow up. Some of us just choose not to mature...