Smitty's Rant

Monday, May 23, 2016

Time to breathe

So, it's been a couple of months. Here is where things are at.

I've moved to the Kelowna area. It's warm, (well, most days, today is what I would normally consider average...) and I am at my desk wondering what to work on next. I have more training that needs to happen. I have forms to fill out and bills to pay. I will get to everything eventually I'm sure. However, right now I have the feeling I should type. Type words. Type feelings... Type...

No one will ever see this because I'm sure that no one knows of it's existence any more. Maybe if my kids find it later in life they will sit back in wonder about their dad.

Or even step dad... I had not planned on becoming one but I am now the step father of Chontelles children. Joshua and Ashley.  Two fine people! They aren't kids in my mind. Young adults really. And they are old enough that I don't need to raise them at all. Just people that are now part of my family. Well, not JUST but you get the idea...

Which of course brings my mind back to my own children. Young adults in their own right. Jen is married to an amazing man, Keith, and they have two outright amazing children. (Yes, I'm a GrandFather....) Kevin is living in Saskatoon working and doing some schooling for the future. I try to encourage my children as much as I can. However I have periods of time when I am down and feel like I haven't done enough. I haven't done enough for them to repay them for what they've done for me.

I wish I could... I'm trying kids... Really I am ...

Marriage isn't what I thought it would be... It's better! Yes there are challenges but there are many more joys. Again. I'm blessed...

Guess I should just say Thanks to everyone.. And leave it at that...
