Smitty's Rant

Friday, July 21, 2017


Just wow...

There are times that I just don't want to admit that I'm a christian because I believe that it puts me in the wrong light. Most times however, I'm very proud to say I'm a Christian!

Just watched a YouTube video titled "Neil deGrasse Tyson Destroys Bill O' Reilly!"

Responses to Mr. Tyson along the lines of "hey you sci-ency people don't understand this because that is of God".

Sigh... No... You guys are missing something...

Here is my opinion and THAT is all that this is...

Science doesn't confuse me or my relationship with my God. Science confirms it for me!!

Every time something new is discovered. Something old has been revisited and revised. Every time there is a new observation that people claim NOW we understand how this works. it's just further proof to me that God Exists.

Let's go through some of my list shall we?

Big Bang Theory!

What's the problem with this theory? Seriously? Read Genesis 1 verse 2... What does that sound like? Like there was nothing there... Then there is stuff?  PLUS..  IT'S A THEORY PEOPLE!!! Best guess if you will.. Based on observations and a lot of time thinking... Not a law ( Like gravity). Gravity works.  Thank you Lord! Oxygen is the right ratio for us to live! Thank you Lord. Water... Land... How we can eat sun energy via the plants storing it, being consumed by cattle which gives me beef and ends up as a nice meal on my plate. Oh and yes I do eat vegetables myself too. So, while science can tell me what happens during each process and how I physically benefit from this transfer of energy. They still don't completely understand everything... OH and get this.. THEY ADMIT IT!!! So, no... Science doesn't say God doesn't exist... It says we understand the NATURAL world better right now and we can give some insight on how things are meshed together. BUT they keep learning new things. LHC is a prime example of this. They are already learning so much about sub atomic particles that they didn't know or could see before. 

So, all these new things that we are learning? Does that PROVE that God does not exist? No... Not at all. To me... It proves that this world, this universe is more amazing than I could imagine... And we are lucky to be here.

Neil deGrasse Tyson does say on several occasions that we are made of the most common things in our universe. 1) Hydrogen We have that in our system. (Water), 2) Helium Um, nope but then we shouldn't have it because it's chemically inert, 3) Carbon Amazingly the most active element there is. And if anyone recalls Star Trek. We are carbon based life forms :-), 4) Nitrogen Yep, part of us too, 5) Oxygen The other part of water and what we use to help burn that energy we consume and that other amazing element... 6) Other :-) Basically trace bits of other elements.... (Neil, I hope I quoted you well enough. Let me know if I need to edit!)

So the Universe and us seem to be a match made in Heaven! (See what I did there??? Yes that was deliberate)

Okay how about DNA/RNA? Our amazing building blocks that makes us us... Where did it come from? Now, I haven't read everything so this isn't the end all be all of this discussion but over the years there has been a lot of speculation on how it starts. Maybe they have a better idea now but still no absolute, here is the answer and it is THIS.... But, hmm, by product of a nova or supernova? Lightning and a bunch of chemicals in an interesting soup on the early earth? Who know. Lightning... Used to be considered Zeus's weapon of choice wasn't it? Or just a metaphor for God's finger stirring the pot... I don't know but the fact that it works and continues to work just impresses me... and I do find it quite ludicrous that this is an accident or a lucky break... Seriously? How desperate do you have to be to say that We're accidents of nature?? No, I don't agree but it's my faith that says we aren't accidents.. I'll just let you believe what you want because I don't have PROOF that I'm right... :-)

Nor do you....

OH, how about time lines? The existing universe has been estimated at what 13.7 Billion years old? give or take a billion... Or so... COME ON JAMES WEBB TELESCOPE!!! (sigh, next year... (2018)) Sorry, had to put that in there... That is what we CURRENTLY know... Our BEST GUESS... Which strangely has been changing a fair bit lately!! (Thank you HUBBLE!!!) But... nothing definitive. Just more (GOOD) observations and a much better understanding of what we have observed. OUR universe is VAST! No doubt about it. I'm not arguing that point... I've just NEVER had it sufficiently explained WHERE everything came from... Big Bang? Okay, maybe, just maybe that's where MATTER came from but where did the initial charge come from? Nope, no answer... Let's give science a chance to learn more. In the mean time,  I believe God created this universe and us...  My belief. I'm excited to learn what else will be learned in the next 30 years and if I live that long its going to be amazing!

Oh and while we are on it... People keep saying that there is proof that our universe is expanding and accelerating in that expansion... Okay, but if they say that the farthest reaches is accelerating.. Okay but wasn't that several billion years ago? I haven't exhausted my search so I don't know for sure how close galaxies and far galaxies compare. (Neil?)

Inquiring minds want to know...

BTW, Hubble Space Telescope has a channel on Youtube. Great shows to watch! Just saying.

So, not exhaustive. Not conclusive but these are my thoughts... Just felt like sharing...

Too bad Neil deGrasse Tyson will never read this.. LOL


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Morning folks! ( Yes it's still morning here in BC!)

Had a fire that was started a few miles away from where we live. Lots of smoke and planes flying around. Got to see some water bombers in action. As well as the big boys that dump fire retardant!

I keep watching the news and the skies to see if it will flare up again. They got most of it controlled over night. My hats off to the men and women fighting fires right now! Please pray for their protection!

In the mean time I'm staying up on the news and making sure that we are safe here.
