Smitty's Rant

Monday, September 18, 2006



Since I don't have my wet weather riding gear I haven't been able to ride for a while. Plus I am going to be quite busy for the next 3 weeks so this is really going to hamper my riding. However, I did purchase a digital camera so I will be zipping around and taking pictures with it!!! So, after I get back I am going to have to get a picture gallery installed on my website and upload the ones I want to show off. Any help with that will be appreciated. Keep in mind that my server is OpenBSD so not just anything will work. (That whole security mindedness thingy)

Other than that, things are going pretty good. Cleaning my house (yes! there are FLOORS!!!) and organizing my life are priorites at this point. I just might have to take two weeks holidays and stay at home... LOL NOT!!!

Ok, back to cleaning!


  • you'll have to try and get some of those 'things that make you go hmmm' posts.... ppl like to respond to those.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:01 pm  

  • p.s. that was DC posting the previous.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:01 pm  

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