Smitty's Rant

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Mexican food...

Need I say more?

In less that 12 hours I will be at the airport getting ready to leave for Dallas where I will be entertaining the consumption of various and delicious Mexican food. Also going to an air show while I am there so I can see some neat planes. Hope to get some fantastic pictures while I am there. I don't think I will be taking requests for specific planes at this point but I will see what all I can get and post it here. Who knows... I might even get to post while I am down there...

Night folks!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Well. Let's see, what was I last ranting on??? Oh yah, Rain and a camera...

Well, the camera is turning out to be a good investment. Takes great pictures! Have to figure out how to post them here (assuming that I can...) I should have all kinds of good pictures when I come back. :-)

The rain has quit! (YAY!!!) Now cool weather prevails. (Booo!!!) Of course, what do I expect? It's FALL!!! I suppose I shouldn't be picky. Someone (ANYONE???) should give me the magic formula for getting your teenagers to help out around the house. Once they are almost big enough to take you on it seems that they just stop doing things for their parent(s). In my case, it's just me trying to keep cleaning (and straightening) up behind them. I can get them to do somethings but it takes constant reminding... Wait a min, they were like that when they were younger too! Never mind, I guess there isn't a formula.

The days are getting shorter. Fall colours are coming out. It's so pretty around here I really need to get some pictures. Perhaps that will be the next thing on my list to do. In the mean time I need to get back to cleaning/physical fitness stuff and fixing one of my firewalls.. TTFN


Muhahahaha I just figured out that someone did post a comment on the previous rant. YAHOO!!!! Course, he does bring up a good point that in order for people to want to make comments, I must first make some points that make people go Hmmmmm. Very good point! Now I just have to see what all I can write about.

Monday, September 18, 2006



Since I don't have my wet weather riding gear I haven't been able to ride for a while. Plus I am going to be quite busy for the next 3 weeks so this is really going to hamper my riding. However, I did purchase a digital camera so I will be zipping around and taking pictures with it!!! So, after I get back I am going to have to get a picture gallery installed on my website and upload the ones I want to show off. Any help with that will be appreciated. Keep in mind that my server is OpenBSD so not just anything will work. (That whole security mindedness thingy)

Other than that, things are going pretty good. Cleaning my house (yes! there are FLOORS!!!) and organizing my life are priorites at this point. I just might have to take two weeks holidays and stay at home... LOL NOT!!!

Ok, back to cleaning!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ooooh, finally found this sucker again. Must remember to bookmark this or at least send the link to my other main computer. There is something to be said for having just one computer (laptop) that you take everywhere with you and also for the need to change computers when you change roles. Both are valid in my mind.

Haven't been out on the bike for about a week or so. Just hoping that I don't forget everything till then. :-)

On the spam front, I have installed (but not configured yet) some new software that should keep me sane for a while longer. I will have to write more about dspam once I get things moving on it. Many thanks to guppy for pointing me in the right direction...

Later folks!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Ok, so I finally managed to migrate my blogger account/blog/setup to the new beta that Google is providing. This is the first post of the new setup since I migrated. I suspect that there won't be any appreciable problems but not sure about what changes will happen because of it.

Stand by... Checking it out!

Update. WOW, it sure seems to post a LOT faster. I think I can learn to like this.

Now if I can do this via my squid server at home I will be very happy...