Smitty's Rant

Friday, March 09, 2007


Lots of changes lately. First it started with a friend and my brother coming down to help me renovate my bathroom. As with all projects, IT GREW!!! So, as of right now, I have a working tub, toilet and sink. But the tub is in the main bathroom and the others are in the en suite bathroom. It's a functional situation for now but I would really like to get that job finished. What's holding me up you ask? Well, basically it's me and an amazing lack of energy. Stupid high blood pressure and a pulled muscle in my back. Oh well. It will get done eventually. Hopefully not too long from now.

Plus, one of my daughters friends suggested that we trade vehicles so that she could save some money to go back to school. COOL!!! I now own a 2001 GrandAm. Very sweet car. I was sure lucky to be able to pick it up...

Speaking of Cars... Jen got a new engine in the Mustang!
The engine still needs to be broken in but it is sounding great right now. More on that project later of course.

Other than that, things are cool!

Catch you all later!!!


  • I was wondering how the bathroom project was going. I didn't know you've wrangled a new vehicle, 2001 Grand Am - Cool

    By Blogger Sam, at 4:46 pm  

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