Smitty's Rant

Friday, August 25, 2006

Ok, decided to change the template to change the look of things. Let me know if you like this one. I might change it again in the near future. Major and even maybe minor changes. Not sure just what look I am going for yet.

Yep, it's been a while. A few late nights, some extra work and I am exhausted. Haven't been out on the bike since Monday too which is an unhappy thing. I just might have to get up early in the morning (less traffic) and take a ride around for a while. A friend of mine who also rides suggested that we start riding to work together in the morning and afternoon. This would be cool! Then I would have to be up and ready for sure! This HAS to be a good thing... LOL I found out that another friend of mine from Church is also looking at getting a bike so I might ride out to his place and have a visit. Just another excuse to go riding really but hey, why not....

I continue to learn and be entertained by Opensource Software. I fully support it and use it lots at home. I know that I have a lot more learning to do before I get really proficient at it but it's a fun hobby. Now many people have asked how I can work on computers all day and then work on them some more at night. Well, my profession and my hobby are the same. Once my garage is up and running however I suspect that I will be spending more time restoring my car and my daughters car. Hmm, have to make a note to make sure that there is an ethernet connection out there...

So, now I have like 20 mins of lunch left and I should go and work on some OSPF issues at home.

Later folks!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Yah, I know, a bit behind again. I can't sleep so I logged in.

Rode the bike to MaSoD tonight. It was neat actually riding the bike to go to a regular thing. Yesterday I took the bike over to show a friend. Then over to Tillman's but he wasn't home. Out to Emerald Park to show someone else... Not sure if it was so much showing people, rather I just wanted to ride so I kept coming up with places to go and people to see. I have a total of 146.9 kms on it now. My travels that is. The bike itself has over 56000 on it. It's been fun to ride.

Spam continues to nag at me and I need to finish implementing my next tool to mitigate it. Too many projects on the go right now. Spamassassin, sguil, AIX, OpenVPN. Just too many things on the go. Next I have started creating a xen box. It's host os is going to be NetBSD and then I am going to see what I can run under it. This should be interesting. I'll keep you posted. Hmm, It's nearly 3am here now. I best try and get back to sleep now.

Night folks!

Friday, August 18, 2006

New day, new post.

Rode my Motorcycle for 50 Kms last night. \o/ My friend Darius went with me and showed me some new things to learn. But it was awesome riding around . Lots of things surprised me though. Like the drag of wind on your arms while riding. That and how much you have to pay attention to the drag on your helmet while shoulder checking at highway speeds. All in all though, a very pleasureable experience. It's all good!!!

Ok, I guess I should talk about the bike a bit now. It's a 1978 Honda CB750four. Yes, it's an old used bike but it runs very well and is a blast to ride. No windscreen though so you are wide open to the elements. Still it was a lot of fun and I am enjoying every terrifying^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H second of it!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ok, so now I have made arrangements to go Motorcycle riding on Thursday night. Should be a good night. Tonight however I need to spend some more money. Going to get an older Mustang. Course this brings up the question as to whether I should be a Geek or a Gearhead.... I seem to live in both worlds from time to time. There is a never ending list of things to do but for now I want to fix my Buick, continue to work on the Motorcycle and the Mustang plus I need to keep up with my computer job. No rest for the wicked eh?


Ok, so I have started updating this more often now. Have to keep this up. Tomorrow night I should have a bunch of new info on riding my bike. However, tonight, it should be all about Mustangs..... Sure hope I get it....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Just read on /. that Blogger is or is becoming part of Google! YAY!!! \o/ Google is my friend! Course this will just make things simpler for me (one account to remember...)

*Other News*

I bought a motorcycle!!! Yep, going through a midlife crisis (or something like that...) So, I got my gear and am starting to get out and ride. Oh yah, and I have my learners for the Motorcycle. Needed that to be legal. Boy it's fun. Just got to watch out for all the four wheel fiends....

Well that's it for now. I best get back to the real world!