Smitty's Rant

Monday, November 30, 2009



course, I knew this was going to happen. That's why I parked the bike and took the plates off of it. It's winter. It's nearly December (50 mins left). It's supposed to be white for Christmas... It should snow.... So, why am I making such a big deal out of it? Cuz I don't have my SNOW TIRES on yet.... Yes, I have delayed it to the point of danger... Come the morning (about 8 short hours from now) I should be sailing my way through intersections on my way to work. I promise to be safe and also to behave while driving to work...

However, there has been something on my mind lately... A phrase. A comment pertaining to mental health... Want to know what the phrase is? Ok. I'll tell you.

Of all the things I've lost... I miss my mind the most...

It used to be such a funny expression. Something to make people laugh and forget their troubles. Something to be said that will catch the odd person and make them THINK about it. Have I really lost my mind. Where did I lose it. How come I'm talking to myself. How come I'm answering??? ECHO ECHo ECho Echo echo....

As my brain has stuck on subjects over the years and has continued to batter itself against my skull attempting to answer life's simple happenings... I've wondered... Why can't I just let it go. Everyone and their dog (yes, I've even talked to the dogs...) has said, just let (insert fictional fixation here) go. Leave it alone, move on with your (life/plans/holiday/work/WHATEVER) and get on with it. No one else seems to get stuck on a record.

(Record, HOW THAT DATES ME!!! Does anyone truely remember what a record was? Pressed black vinyl (actually it was only USUALLY black, I actually have a white record somewhere in this house...) with grooves on it. Bringing the sweet sounds of music into your livingroom? Remember?)


No one else seems to get their needle stuck in a groove that just goes back two lines (kinda like a goto 10 line in basic (oh my gosh, dating myself even more... ANYONE KNOW WHAT BASIC IS???) just makes things repeat over and over again till you force it to go forward?) Remember having to put a nickel on the record arm so that it would play? Now with CD's or DVD's your only hope is to take the disk out, look at the playing surface (as if any of us really knows what we are looking for) blow on it once and then put it back in. Maybe (cross fingers) it will play this time.... Perhaps the player is just tired. Turn it off for 10 mins and try again. How about I get tired and go have a nap, wait a min, what was I doing before the nap. Hmm, I think it was important, I made time to do um, er that, whatever that was. Someone was um, what was it again....

Yes, I'll say it again.

Of all the things I've lost. I've missed my mind the most...

Stay tuned next time when we will discuss the hearafter... (um, as long as I remember that...)


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