Smitty's Rant

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Made you think didn't I?

Just imagine. I am talking to someone and they ask if I believe in the hereafter... Of course I do... Everytime I walk into a room I wonder what I'm here after.....

Ok, bad jokes aside...

One nice thing about this blog is that I put stuff so infrequently into it I am now very sure that NOBODY follows it...

So, what am I working on you ask? Well it's pretty simple. I've recently had a good talk with my doctor and have changed my blood pressure medication as I believe it was part of my issue about getting better. Since getting off of the one drug I've been starting to feel better and have been able to focus on work and life again. HOORAY ME!!!

Started working on an update on my website too... Although I'm having to learn some new things along the way so don't go looking for changes too soon...

So, it was a stupid long time between times where I've felt I had something to post on this blog...

Let the rant begin...

So, to start off with... I'm tired... I'm tired of hate, of the abuse of power, of strained relations, war, famine, well... Lots of stuff like that. No, this hasn't been happening to me... But we all have tv/newspapers/internet and the NEWS of the world keeps flooding back into our lives...

Race rights (trying to figure out how come I've lost all my rights just because I was born white...)

Religion rights. (No I don't want to be a Muslim/Jehovah Witness/Mormon/Buddhist/whatever...)

Sexual Orientation. ( I have my own beliefs about this but I won't force them on you )

Gun laws, laws that support common sense, laws that contradict common sense. OH COME ON PEOPLE GET WITH IT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD....

One thing that I see that we HAVEN'T clued into is the fact that we are ALL human and we ALL belong to the human race and we ALL have rights... Do my rights trump yours??? Why does everyone else s trump mine... How come people have the right to break into my house, steal all my stuff but I don't have the right to defend myself... What have I done to people that makes them think that they are superior to everyone else in the world and that they should be allowed to do anything that they want. They jaywalk across the street and I get the evil look if I'm trying to get through with my car but when I'm trying to cross at the cross walk these same people are all but running me over because it's their right now that THEY are in a car...

We haven't learned that we are all in this together. We haven't learned to LIVE with each other. We have old dictators that are threatening to kill everyone opposed to their reign BUT they haven't clued in that THEY WILL DIE and then where is everyone... Well, leaderless for one thing... Why do we hold on to power (I mean presumed power) for as long as we can even though it will be taken from us one way or another... How many more people will have to die before we wake up. How about the looters in Egypt. OH, the government needs to fall... Let's destroy artifacts of our countries history from 5,000 years ago.. Oh that makes sense...

I am soo tired of the me, me, me attitude of the human race... There was a time people when we worked together to get ahead.... Rather than against each other like we are now...

How many countries will have to spend BILLIONS to do exactly the same thing as someone else... When will we learn from each other and WITH each other...


I'm just tired....


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